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Method of spraying oil on the surface of plastic shell

Release time:2022-07-04

With the continuous improvement of plastic processing and modification skills, the application scope has expanded rapidly, and different application areas havePlastic shellThere are more and more requirements for decoration, data maintenance, bonding improvement and other functions. However, the structure and composition of various plastic materials are different, and the corresponding shell functions are also significantly different. Various shell handling techniques and products suitable for different purposes came into being. According to the different needs of surface treatment of plastic shell, many treatment techniques have been developed. Common skills include: solvent cleaning (degreasing), corona treatment, short wave ultraviolet radiation treatment, sandpaper treatment, sand blasting, plasma etching, chemical etching, heating treatment, etc. According to different materials, we often need to choose different disposal methods. Due to the low performance of most plastic shells, many disposal methods, such as decoration, printing, oil injection, etc., cannot be applied indirectly, and shell disposal needs to be implemented first. The adhesion between plastic and various materials is a key issue in shell processing requirements. Generally, the adhesion of plastics is related to the structure and composition of materials.


1. Tips for shell handling

As manufacturers have higher and higher requirements for quality control, cooperation skills and data to improve the task environment, task efficiency and disposal reliability are continuously collected, and their market applications are expanding.

2. UV curing coating for automotive plastic parts

Many automotive components use engineering plastics or polymer based composite materials, which not only need coatings to improve the performance of their shells, but also sometimes improve the function of materials. Automotive lampshade and reflector materials use plastics instead of glass, thanks to the disposal skills of UV curing coatings.

3. Impact of components

For various mixtures or copolymers, the components of the data will affect the choice of shell disposal methods. For example, the shell surface energy of fluoropolymers and their copolymers is lower than that of polyolefins, with a typical range of 18-26 dynes. For the resin with high fluorine content, the bonding function is improved by 10 times after etching with sodium naphthenate, while after oxygen or argon plasma treatment, the bonding function is only improved by 3 times. The trend of PE is just the opposite. However, the bonding function of the copolymer of fluororesin and PE after plasma treatment or sodium naphthenate treatment increased by 10 times. It can be seen that plasma treatment has a greater impact on PE, while sodium naphthenate treatment has a greater impact on fluororesin. It can be seen that the data processing function can be improved through the copolymerization of different data. For copolymers with different components, it is also necessary to choose the corresponding treatment method according to the characteristics of the data.

4. Processing skills of thermal molecule bonding

This product is mainly applicable to the shell treatment of oil injection, bonding, decoration, lamination, printing or adhesive tape bonding materials. According to the explanation, other similar processes adopted today cannot achieve the effect that atmap can achieve.

5. The function of the shell has been modified and improved

Due to its high brittleness (especially high temperature brittleness), high crystallinity, low molecular polarity, and poor blending and adhesion with other polymers (such as plastics, rubber) and inorganic fillers, PP has limited its use in a few fields. After solid-phase grafting modification, chlorinated polypropylene (mCPP) resin and other related products were recovered. Isotactic polypropylene loses MPP through solid-phase grafting modification, while mCPP solid powder resin can be obtained by chlorinating MPP. Modified PP (MPP) and mCPP, as general materials of special PP, have greatly expanded the application field of PP. the chlorinated modified resin has strong adhesion, improved bonding function, and is easy to blend or bond with other resins.

Copyright: Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd. | mold processing customized manufacturer. If you want to know the processing price of the factory, how much is it, and which is good, please contact us Yue ICP Bei No. 17060480
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