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Selection of materials for plastic shell of power supply

Release time:2022-06-22

Normally,Plastic shell of power supplyThey are all made of plastic. Of course, some industrial power supplies use hardware enclosures. The common materials of our general power supply plastic shell mainly include ABS material, ABS PC material and pure PC material. Generally, we only use these three materials. Now let's introduce the differences between these materials.


1. PC materials

First, let's talk about the power supply plastic shell made of pure PC material. Pure PC material has ultra-high strength and elastic coefficient, and the temperature range used is wide (ABS general materials can only be used at -25 ° to 60 °). In addition, PC material has high transparency and free dyeing. It is good to make various colors for the power supply plastic shell. In addition, this material also has fatigue resistance, weather resistance, tasteless and odorless, harmless to human body, and is in line with health and safety.

2. Synthetic materials of ABS and PC

The materials synthesized with ABS and PC have the characteristics of both the former and the latter. They have excellent molding performance, good fluidity and high strength. ABS PC material is easy to process, has good dimensional stability and surface gloss, is easy to paint and color, and can also be used for secondary processing properties such as metal spraying, electroplating, welding, bonding, etc. Because the characteristics of ABS power plastic shell combine the characteristics of its three components, it has excellent comprehensive performance, and has become one of the preferred plastics for electrical components, household appliances, computers, instruments and meters.

3. ABS material

ABS material power adapter is characterized by low strength and temperature resistance. In general, the maximum use temperature cannot exceed 60 ℃, which is much worse than PC materials. ABS is generally used for household appliances. In terms of the choice of plastic shell materials for power supply, it is basically based on pure PC materials and PC ABS. Although the cost will increase compared with before, and the price of power adapter will be different, from the perspective of environmental protection and safety, ABS is increasingly not suitable for the current market demand! Therefore, when choosing power adapters, you should try to choose large manufacturers to buy!

Copyright: Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd. | mold processing customized manufacturer. If you want to know the processing price of the factory, how much is it, and which is good, please contact us Yue ICP Bei No. 17060480
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