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Causes and solutions of plastic shell bending

Release time:2022-04-18

In the production process of plastic shell, some unexpected situations will inevitably occur, resulting in some defects of the plastic shell. In order to avoid such defects, we will analyze the reasons for the bending of the plastic shell. When you know the reasons for the bending of the plastic shell, you can avoid these situations and how to remedy them.

We should first talk about the reasons for the bending of the plastic shell. Among them, the plastic shell will be bent due to excessive internal stress, but the slow filling speed of the plastic shell mold will also cause the bending of the plastic shell. In addition to these two cases, when the temperature of the plastic shell is inconsistent or too low during plastic processing, the plastic shell will also be bent. Don't think that the plastic shell will bend only when the temperature is low. The same problem will occur if the plastic shell is too hot when it is pushed out.


When these problems occur, these methods can be used according to different problems. When the internal stress of the plastic shell is too large, the injection pressure can be reduced. When the filling speed of the plastic shell has problems, it can be solved by reducing the forward time of the screw. When there is insufficient plastic, the circulation time can be increased to make the plastic shell cool slowly. When the processing temperature of the plastic shell is too low or too high, the corresponding temperature adjustment should be carried out. For the unreasonable processing structure of plastic shell, the structure should also be improved according to the actual situation.

Copyright: Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd. | mold processing customized manufacturer. If you want to know the processing price of the factory, how much is it, and which is good, please contact us Yue ICP Bei No. 17060480
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