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Precautions for processing plastic shell of switching power supply

Release time:2024-07-24

In recent years, the plastic shell of switching power supply has been widely used. The emergence of the plastic shell of switching power supply makes it more safe for everyone to use the plastic shell of switching power supply. The plastic shell of switching power supply is a very useful invention to ensure people's life safety in this era. But do you know what details should be paid attention to in the processing process of the plastic shell of switching power supply? Are there any precautions for the processing of plastic shell of switching power supply?


In the process of processing the plastic shell of switching power supply, our first step is to select the appropriate materials according to the intention of customers. After the selection of materials is decided, the processing process of the plastic shell of switching power supply begins.

The processing process of the plastic shell of switching power supply needs to be mixed and dried first, so that the materials can reach plasticity after mixing and drying, so as to better carry out the subsequent processing links. However, when mixing and drying, it must be noted that the moisture content of the plastic shell of switching power supply during mixing and drying should not be higher than 0.02%. If it is higher than this value, irregular crazes and bubbles will appear on the surface of the product in the subsequent manufacturing process, Affect the appearance of the plastic shell of switching power supply.

The second step of the plastic shell processing process of switching power supply is injection molding machine molding. Through the mechanical processing method, the operation of the injection molding machine can ensure the quality of the molded products, so the processing time of the injection molding machine must be paid attention to in this link.

The final step is the acceptance and packaging step. The quality inspector must carefully complete this step to ensure that each finished product is of high quality.

Copyright: Shenzhen Zhongyuan Plastic Co., Ltd. | mold processing customized manufacturer. If you want to know the processing price of the factory, how much is it, and which is good, please contact us Yue ICP Bei No. 17060480
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